Child Kidnapping by the (Deep) State - Example Sara Ybarra Johnson
Introduction Make no mistake the institutions of the state are used to steal children, in various countries, the extent of which I am not yet sure, but it is widespread. This happens in Britain where it is done by what is commonly known as forced adoption and other methods, under the cover of the Social Services. It is done in the family court, on the balance of probabilities ie 51% decided by one judge. This can result in your children being taken away with no crime having been committed, yet for a crime it is determined by beyond reasonable doubt. This must be wrong. In the US it is the CPS (Child Protective Services) and it also happens in Australia but probably happens in many other countries as well. Feel free to leave examples in the comments, of different countries, and to your stories. They mainly pick on vulnerable children and families that do not have much money or support network to be able to fight the system. Even if you do fight the system in their justice system, it is so rigged by corrupt actors that many times the abuser gets custody of the children, with the help of corrupt or blackmailed doctors, psychologists or social workers - they have all avenues covered. This picture shows what you can be up against.
An example in the US of children being taken is where Sara Ybarra-Johnson's children were taken by the CPS. I use this example as Sara has itemised her story, as well as doing videos, I just include four pages of her story, the rest is available on her twitter feed - Sara Ybarra Johnson @JohnsonYbarra [9] This preparation is vital if you want other people to take interest in your story. You have to try and make it as easy as possible for people to help. A concise two page summary is best, so that people get a quick idea what the summary is, with links to where they can read further. I know it is hard to cut down all the information to two pages but people can get lost in the detail when they first try and read. I know that child sexual abuse victims regularly get their children taken away with the excuse that they are more at risk of harming their children. It is injustice upon injustice. I understand, and that csa victims particularly may find it hard to read and write, precisely because of the abuse suffered when children. Try and get your story out by audio recording it, videoing it, draw pictures or writing or get someone to help. Even describe part of it if you cannot do a summary. It is more vital than ever to get your story out into the open. The system has failed so many people because the system has been set up to fail people, and provide children for the deep state to use. Anyhow onto Sara's disturbing story, in which the system is allowed to break their own rules with impunity. This must change. Everyone must join together to stop this wholesale kidnapping by authorities...
For more see twitter @JohnsonYbarra [9] 2019 Dec 4 Children Stolen by Arizona CPS: Sara Johnson's Story [1] Phoenix Arizona Police Department Warrantless Seizure [6] Kidnapping in Arizona 1 [4] Kidnapping in Arizona 2 [5] This is how they do it in the US...
An example of how the British System treats abusers in the Family Court is described here by Samantha Baldwin who had her children taken away... [8] The Richie Allen Show with Samantha Baldwin- Samantha made international headlines back in 2017 when at the conclusion of a family court hearing, she took her two young boys and went on the run. Samantha had accused the boys father, her ex-husband of sexually abusing them. At the judgement phase of a fact-finding hearing and realising that she was likely to lose custody of her sons, Samantha fled. 100 police officers were assigned to find her and the boys. It was a media frenzy. They were found over a week later and the boys were taken into care. Samantha Baldwin tells Richie her side of the story, what led up to her running away with the boys and what has happened since. It is unmissable. Another example of forced adoption and great perseverance by a mother who the system tries to destroy but she bravely told her story...
Why is the system set up this way? This is why The Five Child trafficking Networks of the Illuminati [12] The only way we will get noticed on this issue is by weight of numbers. Please collect lists of state kidnapped affected families in each country, get their permission and I will add them here. Updated 2020 Sept 8 These are links to more interviews and articles since Sara had done since my post.
2020 Jul 28 Tim Holmseth The smiles and tears behind Trump Executive Order’s against human trafficking [14]
2020 Aug 28 Tim Holmseth FACEBOOK removing URL’s from child trafficking stories by TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS [15]
2020 Sept 6 Tim Holmseth ARIZONA HOLOCAUST-EXPLOSIVE INTERVIEW: Arizona parents of CPS abducted children being threatened with prison time [13]
2020 Sept 6 Critical Disclosure Sara Johnson had 4 Children Kidnapped by Arizona CPS without Due Process [17] Mark 2.0 Podcast - Karla and Sara Johnson [16] 2020 Sept 4 North West Liberty News Another Family Court Tragedy in Arizona [18]
Sara is collecting details of more people who have had their children kidnapped by CPS... Contact her on Twitter @JohnsonYbarra [19] facebook or instagram
I only post on this blog and links on Twitter at present, if you have found this post useful, please post on other social media – facebook, instagram, pinterest, gab – whichever ones you are on. This is most helpful to spread the information. The people who do this are essential. Thankyou. These sites may be useful for people wishing to deprogram…
I will not commit suicide and if it appears I have, then people may judge for themselves why this is so, after blogging these exposes of the top level of illuminati. I do not wish to live in the kind of world that the psychopathic illuminati want to bring in, which is a world wholly and absolutely controlled by them, which is why I wish to expose them. This carries some risk but if I am killed or go silent, my wish is for more people to tell the truth, they cannot kill us all… Links [1] 2019 Dec 4 Children Stolen by Arizona CPS: Sara Johnson's Story [2] 2016 Karla and Sara Johnson [3] Phoenix Arizona Police Department Warrantless Seizure [4] Kidnapping in Arizona 1 [5] Kidnapping in Arizona 2 [6] Phoenix Arizona Police Department Warrantless Seizure [7] 2019 Dec 4 Children Stolen by Arizona CPS: Sara Johnson's Story [8] The Richie Allen Show with Samantha Baldwin- Samantha made international headlines back in 2017 when at the conclusion of a family court hearing, she took her two young boys and went on the run. Samantha had accused the boys father, her ex-husband of sexually abusing them. At the judgement phase of a fact-finding hearing and realising that she was likely to lose custody of her sons, Samantha fled. 100 police officers were assigned to find her and the boys. It was a media frenzy. They were found over a week later and the boys were taken into care. Samantha Baldwin tells Richie her side of the story, what led up to her running away with the boys and what has happened since. It is unmissable. [9] Sara Ybarra Johnson @JohnsonYbarra [10] 2015 cathyfoxblog My Story Clare Wakeman Part 1 [11] 2015 cathyfox blog My Story Clare Wakeman Part 2 [12] 2020 Jan 18 cathy fox blog The Five Child trafficking Networks of the Illuminati [13] 2020 Sept 6 Tim Holmseth ARIZONA HOLOCAUST-EXPLOSIVE INTERVIEW: Arizona parents of CPS abducted children being threatened with prison time [14] 2020 Jul 28 Tim Holmseth The smiles and tears behind Trump Executive Order’s against human trafficking [15] 2020 Aug 28 Tim Holmseth FACEBOOK removing URL’s from child trafficking stories by TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS [16] Mark 2.0 Podcast - Karla and Sara Johnson – [17] 2020 Sept 6 Critical Disclosure Sara Johnson had 4 Children Kidnapped by Arizona CPS without Due Process [18] 2020 Sept 4 North West Liberty News Another Family Court Tragedy in Arizona [19] Twitter @JohnsonYbarra [A] Sanctuary for the Abused [B] NAPAC [C] One in Four [D] Havoca [E] SurvivorsJustice Triggers post [F] SurvivorsJustice Blog [G] Jim Hopper Mindfulness [H] Jim Hopper Meditation [J] 2016 Jan 5 Hwaairfan blog An Indigenous Australian Approach to Healing Trauma [K] Survivors UK website for victims and survivors of male rape or the sexual abuse of men and twitter [L] Voicing CSA website – helps arrange survivors meetings in your area. Voicing CSA supports the IICSA and VSCP and works to help adult survivors of child sexual abuse find their voice [M] A Prescription for me blog Various emotional support links [N] Fresh Start Foundation Scottish not for profit group, helping child sexual abuse victims & survivors to achieve Truth & Justice and to support their recovery. Twitter @SurvivorsSoS Facebook [P] 2020 Mar 21 cathyfoxblog How to Integrate Alters – Fiona Barnett [Q] Deprogramwiki [R] Jessie Czebotar Illuminate the Darkness [S] PsychCentral The 5 Stages of Loss and Grief Appendix 1 UK Press Cuttings and Research Database and Blogs on Child Sexual Abuse
The Source
Ted Team Site
Spotlight on abuse included in Operation Greenlight Database
UK Database Strips articles of date and source unfortunately, rendering content relatively useless for research
Operation Greenlight Database
Dr Sally Baker
Sceptic Peg
Twitter @ciabaudo
Worldwide Child Abuse, Mind Control Links
Fighting Monarch Targetted Individuals TI, Mind Control, MKultra
Jessie Czebotar @CzebotarJessie Illuminati, child abuse
Inner City Press Twitter @innercitypress UN and Child Abuse
Vigilant Citizen Twitter @vigilantfeed Mind Control
I will gradually build up this list of sources that I read or listen for more general news. Naturally, as with all sources, use with discernment, question everything, do your own research and come to your own conclusions. The time is over for propanganda on a plate served to you by the Illuminati controlled corporate media…
James Corbett
Last American Vagabond
Abby Martin
Village magazine Fine in depth articles
Patrick Henningson @21WIRE Syria, Geopolitics
Eva Bartlett Syria
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb Epstein, Geopolitical outlook,
Jonathan Cook @the_real_cook Israel+
Jessie Czebotar @CzebotarJessie Information about the Illuminati, a.k.a. the Brotherhood, the Cabal, the Hivites or the System. Child abuse.
Moon of Alabama@MoonofA
This is all written in good faith but if there is anything that needs to be corrected or you wish to write to me please email quoting the article title. The truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke “He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.” Charles Peguy To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men – Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Every time we act in the face of fear, we dilute it’s power and increase our confidence – via Gary Havener
Only the small secrets need to be protected, the large ones are kept secret by public incredulity – Marshall McLuhan
Let justice be done though the heavens fall – Fiat justitia ruat cælum Put the enemy at unease by making information they do not want known to be known… I only post on Twitter at present, if you have found this post useful, please post on other social media – facebook, instagram, pinterest, gab – whichever ones you are on. This is most helpful to spread the information. The people who do this are essential. Thankyou.