Len Lawrence email to Official Solicitors Office
Below is a copy of an email Mr Lawrence has just sent to the Official Solicitors Office. It is only by exposing corruption, that the public learn about it and that something may be done about it. Len Lawrence's case is a clear case of corruption in the judiciary, medical profession and police. In the context of this blog about child abuse, his case demonstrates the extreme problem in the courts when dealing with cases of child sexual abuse and forced adoptions. People go to the official authorities thinking they will get justness, but they actually get justice, Crown justice which is corrupt and takes the opportunity to kick them whilst they are down and then rip them off. Justness has little to do with justice. British Justice, Crown Justice is not justness, they are two completely different things and people should not confuse the two. Just yesterday I was contacted again by Clare Wakeman, devasted at finding corruption in her case in Wolverhampton with Her Honour Judge Bush and desperate for help. I published some of Clare's story before 2015 My Story Clare Wakeman Part 1 [2] Len Lawrence was a Pilot poisoned by fumes from the engine. He was sectioned, locked up, they stole his house, and he was left with nothing and then kicked out onto the streets. A pattern that is repeated across the country. The Official Solicitor's office [3], part of the Ministry of Justice is used to hold parents who are certified under the Mental Health Act. In 2006-9 this was about 622 parents. This allows the Official Solicitor to take control of any children the parents have, and the children are then adopted. This can be extremely lucrative for the industry who make money from this. Children are also often left more vulnerable to abuse. The International Child Abduction and Contact Unit (ICACU) is the section of the Office of the Official Solicitor that is the Central Authority of England and Wales for international child abduction and contact issues under the terms of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the European Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions Concerning Custody of Children and on Restoration of Custody of Children [3] If you wanted to ensure control of English and Welsh society, then you would obviously have a person or two placed in the Official Solicitors Office. If you wanted to malevolently influence matters, it would be easy to do it from the Official Solicitors Office with little comeback. Len Lawrence's webpage is here [1] Len Lawrence email to Stephen Piper Caseworker, Office of the Official Solicitor
07/08/2017 00:23, len lawrence wrote: Stephen Piper Caseworker Office of the Official Solicitor Now that we have a live email address for you the questioning will begin.. You played a significant role in 2005 in myself being evicted onto the streets of Buckinghamshire, whilst I was incapable of legal discussion and understand with an acquired brain injury. Stephen Piper you also held at least four Court of Protection, Medical Certificates that you failed to disclose to the Court of Protection. How many other extremely vulnerable persons have you failed to register with the Court of Protection in the past 12 years ? I and others intend to find out. 22 February 2005 Caseworker Stephen Piper, Office of the Official Solicitor XXeve.pipXX@offsol.gsi.gov.uk [part redacted] Ref LNF41919 Dr Tony (Consultant Psychiatrist) does think that it would be a good idea if the Court of Protection were involved, because of Mr. Lawrence’s history of financial mismanagement. I said (Stephen Piper) that if Mr. Lawrence recovered then the Court of Protection could come out. Regards, Leonard Lawrence Ex Royal Navy, Government Service, made homeless by caseworker Stephen Piper, and others ps The Queen's Bench Division files that Master Basal Joshua Yoxall-Harary withheld from Lord Justice Munby and the Court of Protection in 2012 have also been recovered for me, so have the pages that were torn out of my case files that were held by the Official Solicitor's office. Did you tear those pages out Stephen? Email from Richard Casson to Kay Cowie re Steven Piper for Official Solicitor; and Sarah Benfield, managing Lawrence affairs.
On further investigation it appears Solicitor Helen Mary Clift has interesting connections
Stephen Piper is a caseworker in the office of the Official Solicitor that acted in Len Lawrence's case in 2005/6.
Stephen Piper reported to solicitor Helen Mary Clift, office of the Official Solicitor.
Helen Mary Clift acted in Lawrence case at Slough and Reading County Court in 2005 and 2006, but did not disclose to any judge the Court of Protection Medical Certificates that were issued to protect him.
Helen Mary Clift also acted in the recent Shropshire Council, Hollie Greig case. Brian Gerrish & Robert Green
It is understood Helen Mary Clift did not disclose the payments awarded to Hollie by the Scottish Criminal Injuries Compensation Board to Mrs Justice Pauffley.
Prior to joining the Official Solicitors office Helen Clift worked as a Family solicitor in private practice in Reading, Berkshire. I believe the firm was Blandy and Blandy Solicitors Reading, where she had brief barrister Dominic Brazil, 1 Kings Bench Walk Chambers. Barrister Dominic Brazil has been suspended from practice for the past 14 months.
Barrister Dominic Brazil acted for Lawrence's ex-wife. Dominic Brazil was able to have Lawrence certified without a medical, and placed under the Official Solicitor where Helen Clift took control of his affairs.
Helen Clift chose Dominic Brazils friend, barrister Nicholas Allen, 29 Bedford Row Chambers, to represent Lawrence's interest. Barrister Nicholas Allen never disclosed the two Court of Protection Medical Certificates that were sent to him.
Helen Clift was identified as Legal Director ICACU at conference at a London Embassy
Family Justice Council, Appointment Committee Helen Clift
The Family Justice Council selection panel :
Alex Clark (Secretary to the FJC and Private Secretary to the President of the Family Division) (Panel Chair)
Helen Clift (Senior Lawyer for the Official Solicitor)
Nicholas Crichton (DJ MC Retired) (independent panel member and former District Judge member of the FJC)
Helen Clift SRA ID:164442 (Senior Lawyer for the Official Solicitor) The name Helene Clift is listed as Legal Director, International Child Abduction and Contact Unit (ICACU) Was Helen Clift or Helene Clift ever the Legal Director, at the ICACU ? I am advised not. Solicitor Helen Clift SRA ID:164442 Lawyer for the Official Solicitor withheld from the Court of Protection and the Family Division five Court of Protection medical certificates issued to protect former airline pilot Leonard Lawrence. The former Chambers of Mr Justice Stephen Cobb QC, 1 Garden Court Chambers, identified Leonard Lawrence as incapable of legal discussion and understanding. This was due to an acquired brain injury from organophosphate poisoning. Solicitor Helen Clift SRA ID:164442 Lawyer for the Official Solicitor also acted in the case of Hollie Greig, a vulnerable adult with a "cognitive disability”. Is it correct that Helen Clift failed to disclose to Mrs Justice Pauffley, High Court Family Judge, two payments made to Hollie Greig from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority one of £8500 and one of £5000 following assaults against Hollie when she was a child?. Kate's medical forms: At the meeting below there was a further, more private meeting, between Lord Justice Munby and a few others. The discussion that took place would be helpful to the Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Algeria. . Ms Helene Clift Legal Director UK, ICACU Was Helen Clift or Helene Clift ever the Legal Director, at the ICACU ? Round Table on Child Protection Issues of the EU Minors in the UK Thursday 14th May 2015 Embassy of Slovak Republic Embassy in London. 25 Kensington Place Gardens London W8 4QY Name Capacity Embassy / Institution H.E. Žantovský Ambassador Czech Republic H.E. Wlachovský Ambassador Slovakia The Rt. Hon. Sir James Munby The President of the Family Division for England and Wales UK, Court of Appeal; Family Division for England and Wales The Rt. Hon. Lady Justice Jill Black Head of International Family Justice UK, Court of Appeal The Hon. Mr Justice Cobb UK, High Court of England and Wales The Hon. Mr Justice Keehan UK, High Court of England and Wales The Hon. Mr Justice Moor UK, High Court of England and Wales The Hon. Mr Justice Peter Jackson UK, High Court of England and Wales The Hon. Mr Justice Newton UK, High Court of England and Wales The Hon. Mrs Justice Theis UK, High Court of England and Wales The Hon. Mrs Justice Parker UK, High Court of England and Wales The Hon. Mr Justice Holman UK, High Court of England and Wales Ms Mairead McGuinness Vice-President European Parliament, Ireland Ms Julia Pitera Member of the Committee on Petitions European Parliament, Poland Mr Peter Jahr Member of the Committee on Petitions European Parliament, Germany Ms Mina Petrucci EPP PETI Adviser European Parliament Mr Robert Bray Head of Unit, Secretariat, Committee on Legal Affairs, DG Internal Policies European Parliament Ms Angela Wilson Social Work Service and Policy Manager UK, CFAB Mr Anthony Douglas Head of CAFCASS UK, CAFCASS Ms Helene Clift Legal Director UK, ICACU Ms Samantha Marsh Case Manager UK, ICACU Imogen Adams-Stiell Senior Case Manager & Joint Head of Unit UK, ICACU Ms Luise Woodward Team Leader Child Protection UK, Department of Education Ms Hayley Griffiths Children's Policy Officer UK, Consular Directorate, FCO Sir Mathew Thorpe Advisor to the Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic UK / Slovakia Ms Andra Cisárová Director Slovakia, CIPC- Central Authority Mr Boris Machút Case Manager Slovakia, CIPC- Central Authority Ms Helena Latáková Case Manager Slovakia, CIPC- Central Authority Ms Katarína Zavacká Case Manager Slovakia, CIPC- Central Authority Mr Juraj Pagáč Case Manager Slovakia, CIPC - Central Authority Mr Juraj Sušienka Case Manager Slovakia, CIPC - Central Authority Igor Pokojny Head of Consular Section Slovakia Mr Kornél Tóth Representatives Hungary, Central Authority Ms Cserjés Edina Consul Hungary Mr Michal Mazurek Consul Poland Ms Agnieszka Stępniak Senior Consular Officer Poland Ms Maria Anguelieva-Koleva Head of the Consular Office Bulgaria Ileana Stănică Labour and Social Affairs Attaché Romania Ms Penelope Langdon UK, The President's Office Ms Elizabeth Stewart Editorial & Programme Director Embassy Magazine/Embassy Events Mr David Williams Queen's Counsel Ms Elen Lewis Director of Legal Services UK, Peterborough Mr Edward Bennett Barrister & Editor International Family Law UK Ms Helen Newman Solicitor UK, Pritchard Joyce & Hinds Ms Marie-Claire Sparrow Barrister UK, EFL Chambers Please note that victims of abuse may be triggered by reading this information. These links are generally UK based.
The Sanctuary for the Abused [A] has advice on how to prevent triggers.
National Association for People Abused in Childhood [B] has a freephone helpline and has links to local support groups.
One in Four [C]
Havoca [D].
Jim Hoppers pages on Mindfulness [G] and Meditation [H] may be useful.
Hwaairfan blog An Indigenous Australian Approach to Healing Trauma [J]
Survivors UK for victims and survivors of male rape or the sexual abuse of men [K]
Voicing CSA group [L] helps arrange survivors meetings in your area
A Prescription for me blog Various emotional support links [M]
ShatterBoys -“Male Survivors Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Inspiring change, Through Shared Experience Whilst Building Connections…Together We Can Heal” [N]
Fresh Start Foundation Scottish not for profit group, helping child sexual abuse victims & survivors [P]
Links [1] Len Lawrence webpage https://lenlawrence.wordpress.com/ [2] 2015 Jan 28 My Story Clare Wakeman Part 1 https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/01/28/my-story-clare-wakeman-part-1/ Wolverhampton Her Honour Judge Bush [3] 2017 Aug Wikipedia - Official Solicitors Office https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_Solicitor archive http://archive.is/9d6CD [A] Sanctuary for the Abused http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.co.uk/2006/07/for-survivors-coping-with-triggers-if.html [B] NAPAC http://www.napac.org.uk/ [C] One in Four http://www.oneinfour.org.uk/ [D] Havoca http://www.havoca.org/HAVOCA_home.htm [E] SurvivorsJustice Triggers post http://survivorsjustice.com/2014/02/26/triggers-what-are-they-and-how-do-we-work-through-them/ [F] SurvivorsJustice Blog http://survivorsjustice.com/ [G] Jim Hopper Mindfulness http://www.jimhopper.com/mindfulness/ [H] Jim Hopper Meditation http://www.jimhopper.com/mindfulness/#cultivate [J] 2016 Jan 5 Hwaairfan blog An Indigenous Australian Approach to Healing Trauma https://hwaairfan.wordpress.com/2016/01/05/an-indigenous-australian-approach-to-healing-trauma/ [K] Survivors UK website for victims and survivors of male rape or the sexual abuse of men https://www.survivorsuk.org/ and twitter https://twitter.com/SurvivorsUK [L] Voicing CSA website – http://voicingcsa.uk/ helps arrange survivors meetings in your area. Voicing CSA supports the IICSA and VSCP and works to help adult survivors of child sexual abuse find their voice [M] A Prescription for me blog Various emotional support links https://aprescriptionforme.wordpress.com/help/#emotionalsupport [N] ShatterBoys -“Male Survivors Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Inspiring change, Through Shared Experience Whilst Building Connections…Together We Can Heal”. blog – https://shatterboysuk.wordpress.com/ email – shatterboysuk@gmail.com facebook – https://www.facebook.com/shatterboysuk/?fref=ts twitter – @Shatter_Boys_UK [P] Fresh Start Foundation Scottish not for profit group, helping child sexual abuse victims & survivors to achieve Truth & Justice and to support their recovery. http://www.freshstartfoundation.co.uk/ Twitter @SurvivorsSoS Facebook https://www.facebook.com/survivorssupportline/ This is all written in good faith but if there is anything that needs to be corrected or you wish to write to me please email lawrenceAug2017@cathyfox.33mail.com quoting the article title the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke “He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.” Charles Peguy To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men – Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Every time we act in the face of fear, we dilute it’s power and increase our confidence – via Gary Havener
Only the small secrets need to be protected, the large ones are kept secret by public incredulity – Marshall McLuhan